Nixos Woke Invasion

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NixOS Woke Invasion

The Woke invasion of the NixOS community can be traced back to as early as April 2021 (see:, It appears to have reached its zenith in April 2024 when the woke moderation team’s mischiefs reached the public eye.

On May 1st, 2024, the Board decided to delegate powers to an unspecified “community” (see “Eelco steps down” below), however it remains to be seen what exactly this will engender.


Notable events since Nov, 2023:

Date Event
2023-11-14 Author gets banned for ideological reasons
2024-01-28 Witch-hunt by NixOS moderator Martin Weinelt (hexa) to get the entire NixOS Asia domain, as well as Srid, banned from the site
2024-02-12 Report of the moderators perma-banning David Arnold
2024-03-10 Continued criticism of the mod team by community members; a NixOS moderator “piegamesde” publicly accuses Srid of being “transphobic”
2024-03-20 Continued criticism; Jonas Chevalier (zimbatm) publicly lies about Srid; then threatened and successfully shadow-banned the people raising criticism
2024-04-22 Attempt to depose Eelco Dolstra
2024-04-26 Banning of Jon Ringer, and the authors of RFC 175 (nrdxp apcodes); moderators begin resigning (see below)
2024-05-01 Eelco steps down
2024-05-01 Zulip is chosen for governance discussions (allowing banned members with “extreme prejudice” and threat of permaban “[if] they blow it“)

Moderation team

Evidence of woke moderation


Just a few hours after the PR for RFC 175 was opened, several moderators began to resign from the team:

Date Name
2024-04-26 Ryan Mulligan
2024-04-28 piegames
2024-05-01 rhendric (Ryan Hendrickson)

As of May 2nd, this leaves `hexa` and the newly-joined `lassulus` as the only moderators.

Will the constituent assembly perpetuate or end wokeism?


This is just a rough skeleton log of events as they continue to unfold. A coherent report will be written once the assembly has done its job.

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