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Mosquitto is an open source message broker that implements the MQTT protocol, a lightweight and popular communication method for the Internet of Things (IoT). Mosquitto supports MQTT versions 5.0, 3.1.1 and 3.1, and can run on various devices, from low power single board computers to full servers.


The following setup enables a local Mosquitto server listening on port 1883, allowing anonymous access for demonstration purpose.

services.mosquitto = {
  enable = true;
  listeners = [
      acl = [ "pattern readwrite #" ];
      omitPasswordAuth = true;
      settings.allow_anonymous = true;

networking.firewall = {
  enable = true;
  allowedTCPPorts = [ 1883 ];

The following more advanced setup also enables a local Mosquitto server listening on port 1883, but with some setting overrides, a simple user definition containing ACL statements, and a bridge configuration that connects this Mosquitto instance to an AWS IoT Core broker using Mutual TLS. The configured topics are transparently copied between the two brokers (no local or remote prefixes are added to the topic names).

services.mosquitto = {
  enable = true;
  listeners = [{
    address = "";
    port = 1883;
    users.iotdevice = {
      acl = [
        "read IoT/device/action"
        "write IoT/device/observations"
        "write IoT/device/LW"
      password = "mysweetpassword-or-use-hashedPassword";
  bridges."aws_iot_core" = {
    addresses = [{
      address = "";
      port = 8883;
    topics = [
      "IoT/device/action in 1 \"\""
      "IoT/device/observations out 1 \"\""
      "IoT/device/LW out 0 \"\""
    settings = {
      local_clientid = "NiXOS-Mosquitto";
      remote_clientid = "NiXOS-Mosquitto";
      cleansession = true;
      notifications = false;
      start_type = "automatic";
      bridge_protocol_version = "mqttv311";
      bridge_outgoing_retain = false;
      bridge_insecure = false;
      bridge_cafile = "/persist/etc/mosquitto/AmazonRootCA1-RSA.pem";
      bridge_certfile = "/persist/etc/mosquitto/certificate.pem";
      bridge_keyfile = "/persist/etc/mosquitto/private.pem.key";

networking.firewall = {
  enable = true;
  allowedTCPPorts = [ 1883 ];


Password authentication

The following command will generate a hashed password for the user root into the file /tmp/passwd.

nix shell nixpkgs#mosquitto --command mosquitto_passwd -c /tmp/passwd root
cat /tmp/passwd
# root:$7$101$KIGAc4K4Pj2zfump$a1s19bL++vN7RlUqJne869JZepEditIOTDPrmaRG2Jlg37/uNJcLzxjk6n5adwbc7COd3eyXuJ7T+CEI+wwxvQ==

Use the hash after root: for the following configuration.

Change the Mosquitto listeners configuration by adding a user, in this example called root with the hashed password.

mosquitto = {
  enable = true;
  listeners = [
      users.root = {
        acl = [
          "readwrite #"
        hashedPassword = "$6$arZ0Sf.HKZGgSBRR$/cAB1gB4P9JQzZ6cEnIWbPNlit.PYQsbRTaRmfUsBePOtPN6P/L7TWNMaeFc2YTT904loeC3Xq3Qpdzxgen9Y/==";


Testing the server is possible by running a listening comand. We also supply username root and password mypasswd from above.

nix shell nixpkgs#mosquitto --command mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t test -u root -P mypasswd

On a different shell the second command sends a message which should be received by the command above

nix shell nixpkgs#mosquitto --command mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t test -m "Hello" -u root -P mypasswd