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This site provides snippets for configuring your network just right for the use case you are looking for. All configuration is for configuration.nix

Hosts file

To edit /etc/hosts just add something like this to your configuration.nix:

networking.extraHosts = '' other-localhost server


Prefix delegation with fixed DUID

Sometimes the hosting provider manages ipv6 networks via a so-called DUID or clientid. This snippet is required to make the network routable:

{ config, pkgs, ... }:

  # Get this from your hosting provider
  clientid = "00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99";
  interface = "enp2s0";
  subnet =  "56";
  network = "2001:bbb:3333:1111::/${subnet}";
  own_ip =  "2001:bbb:3333:1111::1/${subnet}";
in {
  # ... snip ...

  networking.enableIPv6 = true;
  networking.useDHCP = true;
  networking.dhcpcd.persistent = true;
  networking.dhcpcd.extraConfig = ''
    clientid "${clientid}"
    interface ${interface}
    ia_pd 1/${network} ${interface}
    static ip6_address=${own_ip}
  environment.etc."dhcpcd.duid".text = clientid;


Source: gleber gist for IPv6 config in NixOS

Note: Recent versions of dhcpcd move the duid file to /var/db/dcpcd/duid. For that to work, you have to replace the above environment.etc line with something like: = ''
  cp ${pkgs.writeText "duid" "<ID>"} /var/db/dhcpcd/duid


vlan information in the manual

The below is a complete networking example, showing 2 interfaces, 1 with VLAN trunk tagging and 1 without.

eth1 is a normal network interface @, with no VLAN information.

eth0 is the vlan trunk tagged, with 2 VLAN's tagged, vlan 100 and vlan 101.

vlan100 is in the 10.1.1.X network and vlan 101 is in the 10.10.10.X network.

the hostID should be random data, derived from something like:

head -c4 /dev/urandom | od -A none -t x4

see the manual for more information.

Complete networking section example:

    networking = {
      hostId = "deadb33f";
      hostName = "nixos";
      domain = "";
      dhcpcd.enable = false;
      usePredictableInterfaceNames = false;
      interfaces.eth1.ipv4.addresses = [{
        address = "";
        prefixLength = 28;
      vlans = {
        vlan100 = { id=100; interface="eth0"; };
        vlan101 = { id=101; interface="eth0"; };
      interfaces.vlan100.ipv4.addresses = [{
        address = "";
        prefixLength = 24;
      interfaces.vlan101.ipv4.addresses = [{
        address = "";
        prefixLength = 24;
      defaultGateway = "";
      nameservers = [ "" "" ];